Deploy Your GitHub Project to Maven Central from GitHub actions

It’s the day you want to publish your framework/tool/API/library, to sum up, your artifacts, into Maven Central, so the community can start using it. So, how to do it? You’d need to follow the official instructions from here.

So, every time you want to release a new version of your artifacts, you’d need to perform the steps from the link. But what about if we’d have a repetitive release process that anybody could start? Here we are! We’ll explain how to achieve exactly this using Maven and the Maven Release Plugin, and how to trigger the release from GitHub actions.

Getting Started

The artifacts cannot be pushed to Maven Central directly. They first need to be deployed to the Sonatype OSSRH (OSS Repository Hosting) staging repository. Releasing from OSSRH to the maven central can then be initiated via the Maven Release plugin. Before release, various checks are done against the project and artifacts to ensure they meet the standards of maven central. The artifacts are synced to maven central only if all the checks pass.

Step 1: Request access to the Sonatype OSSRH JIRA

As we’re going to be pushing artifacts to the OSSRH repository, we first need to request access. To do so, you need to signup to the OSSRH JIRA site and then create a ticket to request permission to publish your project. You can use this ticket as an example.

IMPORTANT: The group-id must follow Maven naming conventions and be the reverse of a domain you own. For projects hosted on GitHub, it can start with com.github or io.github.

Step 2: Prepare your Maven configuration

Before continuing with the release process, let’s start preparing the Maven profile we’ll use to start the release. We will only need to add this profile in your pom.xml file:

        <!-- we will add plugins here in the following steps --> 

We’ll need also to fulfill some information that Sonatype requires:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <groupId>YOUR GROUP ID</groupId>
  <artifactId>YOUR ARTIFACT ID</artifactId>
  <name>THE NAME</name>
  <description>THE DESCRIPTION</description>

  <!-- The license is mandatory -->
      <name>The Apache License, Version 2.0</name>

  <!-- The list of maintainers -->
      <id>OSSRH JIRA user id</id>
      <name>OSSRH JIRA user name</name>
      <email>OSSRH JIRA user email</email>


And finally, let’s add the distribution management configuration that will be needed for the Maven Release plugin:


See a full example of the pom.xml here.

Step 3: Sign your artifacts

One of the requirements is that the artifacts are signed with GPG.

You first need to install the GPG tool, and generate a new key-par using “gpg –gen-key”.

When you have generated your key-par, you should see it using:

> gpg --list-keys

pub   rsa2048 2022-06-16 [SC]
uid        [  absoluta ] Your Name <>
sub   rsa2048 2022-06-16 [E]

Now, you need to synchronize this key to the keyservers:

gpg --keyserver --send-keys 7CB022E3CFC857AEE78C81F6D480140178B9D7D8
gpg --keyserver --send-keys 7CB022E3CFC857AEE78C81F6D480140178B9D7D8
gpg --keyserver --send-keys 7CB022E3CFC857AEE78C81F6D480140178B9D7D8

Note that you don’t need to send the key to all the servers as, eventually, they all are going to be synchronized with each other. However, if you don’t want to wait, you can send the keys individually to each one.

And, finally, you need to append the GPG Maven plugin in the Maven release profile we created in step 2.:


Step 4: Add the Source and the JavaDoc Maven plugins

Another requirement is to add the sources and the JavaDoc artifacts, so we need to add these two plugins as part of the Maven release profile as well:

          <!-- The maven-gpg-plugin configuration from step 3. --> 
          <!-- ... -->

Step 5: Configure the Maven Release plugin

The GitHub job to perform the release will use the Maven release plugin to do the actual work. There are a lot of benefits of using the Maven Release plugin:

  • It ensures your artifact version conforms to the standards
  • It will automatically tag your repository
  • It will update your POM versions by removing the SNAPSHOT tag and by incrementing the version

So, let’s add it to our Maven release profile as well:

          <!-- The maven-gpg-plugin configuration from step 3. --> 
          <!-- ... -->
          <!-- The maven-source-plugin, maven-javadoc-plugin configurations from step 4. --> 
          <!-- ... -->


The Maven release plugin will invoke the Nexus staging plugin and also use the configuration under the scm.

Step 6: GitHub Secrets

Since you’re not going to perform releases from your local machine, but from a GitHub job, you need somehow to provide the YOUR OSSRH USER and YOUR OSSRH PASSWORD values to login to the JIRA OSS site, and also the GPG private key and GPG passphrase to sign the artifacts. We’ll provide these values via GitHub secrets:


The username you used to sign up into the Sonatype OSSRH JIRA (see step 1).


The password you used to sign up into the Sonatype OSSRH JIRA (see step 1).


We can get the private key of the key-par you generated in step 3 using one of these commands.

The private key will look like this:


The passphrase you used when creating your key-par in step 3.

Step 7: The GitHub Release workflow

At this point, we should have:

  • our OSSRH user,
  • our OSSRH JIRA ticket should have been resolved
  • the pom.xml file properly updated

Let’s now add the GitHub Release workflow that will do the actual release!

name: Release

    types: [closed]
      - '.github/project.yml'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: release
    if: $

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - uses: radcortez/project-metadata-action@master
        name: Retrieve project metadata
        id: metadata
          github-token: $
          metadata-file-path: '.github/project.yml'
          local-file: true

      - name: Install JDK 11
        uses: joschi/setup-jdk@e87a7cec853d2dd7066adf837fe12bf0f3d45e52
          distribution: 'temurin'
          java-version: 11
          server-id: ossrh
          server-username: MAVEN_USERNAME
          server-password: MAVEN_CENTRAL_TOKEN
          gpg-private-key: $
          gpg-passphrase: MAVEN_GPG_PASSPHRASE

      - name: Configure Git author
        run: |
          git config --local ""
          git config --local "GitHub Action"

      - name: Maven release $
        run: |
          git checkout -b release
          mvn -X -Prelease -B release:clean release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=$ -DdevelopmentVersion=$
          git checkout $
          git rebase release
          mvn -X -Prelease -B release:perform -DskipTests
          MAVEN_USERNAME: $

      - name: Push changes to $
        uses: ad-m/github-push-action@v0.6.0
          github_token: $
          branch: $
          force: true

      - name: Push tags
        uses: ad-m/github-push-action@v0.6.0
          branch: $
          github_token: $
          tags: true

And, finally, let’s trigger the release process!

To trigger the release process, we need to open a pull request (pull requests from forked repositories are not allowed) and create/update the following file at .github/project.yml which contains:

  current-version: 0.0.1
  next-version: 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT

This means that you’ll be releasing the version 0.0.1 and then will set the version to 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.


This is a very easy process that once in place, all the team members within a team can trigger.

Note that we have chosen to trigger the process after pull requests are closed, but we could have also chosen to do this when pushing in the main branch and the project.yml file is modified, so this is really up to the team to decide.

To see a complete example, go here.

[ Java, GitHub ]